Amazing Maize

Dave Burgess Corn Field.JPG

By: Dave Burgess - President, UboraTZ

I found myself in a corn maze a few weeks ago, trying to keep up with four sixth grade boys while enjoying a cool evening of early fall.  It didn’t take long for them to lose me, so I climbed up one of the towers in the middle of the field to see if I could spot them.

While the boys were nowhere in sight, I was able to clearly see the pattern that had been cut from the cornfield, and two worlds collided in my mind.

Earlier that day, I had been working with my friend, Baraka, on a project to help provide corn, or maize as it is also known, to our friends in need in Tanzania.  A generous donation from one of our corporate partners, 5DayDeal (Griffin and Valerie Stewart are entrepreneurs and faithful supporters of Ubora) has made possible an exciting new project we’ve wanted to do for quite some time in Tanzania.

Our food silos project will enable the construction of six grain silos to be stationed at public schools in the area surrounding Karansi.  We’ve also added a seventh silo that will serve widows who also face periods of food insecurity.

My discussion with Baraka that day centered around how Ubora will be partnering with local farmers to fill these silos with maize, which will be used to provide meals for the children before school, and create a stable food source that is critical to learning.

How amazing is maize!  Seeing those winding paths cut in the cornfield, made me marvel at God’s creation and how a simple grain like corn can be used for recreational purposes here in Georgia and also provide life-sustaining nourishment for our friends in Karansi.

Thank you to the Stewart family and all who support UboraTZ.    You all are a-maizing.

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