An Invitation to Impact a Nation Through Education

Ubora Asante Sana Cover Image Mid Year 2021.jpg


Siha Leadership School Helping Transform Education in Tanzania

Contributors:  Leslie Sams, Dave Burgess, Wendy Williams and Rena Olsen

The doors that God continues to open for our work in Tanzania are both humbling and awe-inspiring. We are excited to share more about the beautiful doors of our Education Impact Program, now swinging wide open, leading toward education reform and transformation for the entire country and people of Tanzania.

The vision was cast by Pastor Wariaeli Maphie almost 20 years ago, spoken in prayer, when he proclaimed, “The future leaders of Tanzania will one day rise up from the village of Karansi, from the poorest of the poor.” This unlikely pathway would be forged through education, specifically the establishment of a private Christian English medium school dedicated to excellence that would one day become Siha Leadership Pre and Primary School.

The success of Siha Leadership School has recently gained attention from national leaders in Tanzania.  Teams from Ubora and SHEFO (our in-country partner) were invited to attend a session at the Parliament of Tanzania in June of this year and meet with top-level government officials seeking to reform government public schools in their country. 

Public Education in Tanzania

As recently as 2005, more than 30% of Tanzanian school age children did not attend school at all. By 2013, attendance in public schools had increased but the quality of education received was sorely lacking. Teachers were given a very narrow and shallow curriculum and coached to “teach to the test” – specifically the national exams given in grades four and seven. This approach produced students who could “guess well” and figure out a test response but did not have an academic skill set based on actual learning. 

“Since 2005 we have come a long way in increasing attendance and providing a very basic level of knowledge, but now need a system that prepares students for the modern economy.” 

- Omary Kipanga, Deputy Min. of Health, June 2021.

“Our education system produces graduates who can pass the test but not do anything useful,” said Kassim Majaliwa, the Prime Minister of Tanzania, in a May 2021 address to Parliament. 

The Siha Leadership Formula

Founded in 2005, Siha Leadership is a private Christian English medium school.  Children at our school enjoy a custom curriculum adapted specifically for the Tanzanian student, with hands-on learning opportunities, modern facilities and adequate teacher and student supplies, low teacher-studio ratios, and a nurturing environment with Christ at the center. A school envisioned for “the poorest of the poor,” SLS is funded through sponsorships and the Ubora Project Child Impact Program.    

One of the many challenges we’ve faced along the way has been learning how to teach children in a non-literate, subsistence-based society.  

Many adults in Tanzania, especially those in rural areas like Karansi, are unable to read or write.  And for parents dealing with mere survival, their children often do not get the adequate stimulation during the critical early development years from birth to five years of age.  In many places children have the benefit of mobiles, early childhood toys, books being read to them, constant interaction from parents and loved ones—all of which stimulate developing brain synapses that are so important for learning later in life.  These types of activities generally do not happen where parents don’t read, do not have resources, and are most concerned with the all-consuming responsibilities of daily survival. These dynamics still exist today in much of Tanzania, though progress is being made. 

The road to excellence in education at SLS has been paved in incremental steps, with help from God above, and through Ubora donors, sponsors and volunteers.  A number of teachers from Perimeter School in metro Atlanta have been invaluable in refining the school, leading seminars and investing heart, time, money and expertise in shaping the curriculum and mentoring their teacher counterparts in Karansi.  Some have even moved to Tanzania for extended periods of time!  These seminars have been well-received with many concepts implemented and integrated into the standard Tanzanian curriculum. 

Wendy Williams, who leads our Education Impact Program, has lent heart, soul and her expertise in education in rewriting the curriculum.  Her contributions have truly made a significant difference in laying the groundwork for education reform in Tanzania. Miriam Johnson and David & Mary Ann Taylor have invested years of their lives living in Tanzania, deepening relationships and mentoring both teachers and staff in transformative ways.

Our model is unique and effective and our graduates are well on their way to becoming the future leaders of Tanzania, including six students who are currently in medical school!  In recent years, we have been developing a holistic approach to education, developing curriculum from preschool up that is providing a foundation base of knowledge that is not just “better” it’s transformative!   Student scores are improving dramatically, moving Siha Leadership into the top 10 percent of all Schools in Tanzania.  Even more significantly, students understand the material and are enthusiastic participants fully engaged in the process of learning.

Exciting developments are on the horizon for Siha Leadership, including the opening of the first class of the second stream in 2022 for boarding students, and prayers and planning for one of the first STEM secondary schools in rural Tanzania. 

God’s plan for Tanzania...continuing to unfold.

The Next Open Door

Siha Leadership School teachers, U.S. mentor-teachers, and the Ubora/SHEFO staff aim to address existing concerns for government schools and become a touchstone of educational transformation for public schools in Tanzania. This goal is massive and slightly intimidating, but has the potential to dramatically improve the country.  We are ready for the challenge.

With the recent meeting in Dodoma, SLS and its mentors stand on the shore of a huge sea change. With the newly conferred status of Reference School by the government, SLS can now embrace broader curriculum reforms incorporating unique Charlotte Mason-style philosophy with a STEM-prep twist. These academic upgrades will lean heavily on developing strong foundations, learning for understanding, critical thinking, problem solving, encouraging inventive ideas, expanding knowledge of and appreciation for literature, fine art, and the natural world, and a joy in learning.

As Ubora, SHEFO, and SLS embark on this great adventure to impact a nation we need YOU!  Is God calling you to walk through these doors with us?  


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