The Long View...From K to Jobs

The first busload of students arriving on “the new land” where the future Siha Leadership STEM School will soon be built!

When a four-year-old child enters Siha Leadership School, a 20-year partnership begins.  We walk with the child and his/her family “pamoja” (together) through the various phases of school to internship and eventual employment.

Much like our long-term partnership in Karansi, we approach education with the long view in mind.  Siha Leadership School is a pre- and primary school for children from Pre-K to Standard 7. After 7th grade graduation, SLS students transfer to private boarding schools to continue their education.  We stay connected to each child through our social work team and sponsors provide another layer of engagement.  Upon graduation, we continue to serve the now young adult through the SLS Premium Internship Program and assistance with job placement.

Siha Leadership School will soon include a Secondary STEM school with an agribusiness focus, so we will be able to accommodate the child’s educational journey and faith formation through the critical years of secondary school (grades 8-11).  Tanzanian teenagers are not all that different than ours in the U.S.  We believe the ability to fill this gap and continue nurturing and developing older students through these critical years will be essential in raising up educated, Godly leaders for the future of Tanzania.

To learn more, contact Ubora’s president, Dave Burgess:

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